Wednesday, 3 June 2020

3rd of June

Dear Everyone,

Today you are going to work in groups of 3 or 4.

Here are your tasks with examples:

1, Choose a word you have learnt in Module 5 that is at least 6 letters long and write an acrostic poem.

An acrostic poem
Can be about any topic.
Of course, some people like to
Start each line as a sentence,
I like to have some lines just be single words.
Can you make one?

2, Write 8 sentences that illustrates the difference between the Simple Present and the Past Perfect Simple tenses.

I was at my sister when I realised that I had forgotten her birthday present at home.

3, Choose 6 new adjectives you have learnt in Module 5 and write a synonym and an acronym for each of them.

Small – tiny - big

4, Create a crossword puzzle using 10 words from Module 5.

Friday, 29 May 2020

27 May

SB. p 54

WB p37 A and B

29th May

SB. p 55.

HW: Write a description of an interesting place that you know well for a travel blog. Use your notes from the lesson and follow the plan on p.55D.

DEADLINE: 6th of June.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Reading - Top Tips for a Comfortable Trip

SB p 52 B,C,D

Hw: SB p53
2Vocabulary  Task C
4 Listening Task A - send me your answers in an audiofile
Task B and C

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

13th May

13th of May

  • Practising together the Past Perfect Simple and Past Simple tenses

    Having the link you can edit the file:
  • SB p. 50
Have a nice week! :)

Monday, 27 April 2020

27 April

SB P48-49 A,B,C

Reading task


SB p49 D (2 explorers,/inventors) - upload your answers on GoogleClassroom in an audio file

Friday, 24 April 2020


WB p 29 4D/A

WB p28 C,D,E

SB p46 A and B

Review Module 4 - WB pp31-32 send your solutions in email DEADLINE: 3 May

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Earth Day

Earth Day - 22nd of April


SB. p. 45 A B

WB p. 30 B

SB p. 134 Speaking task in pairs

Homework: Tell the story of Steve (SB p. 134) in pairs and record it. Upload it to Google Classroom.

deadline: 26th April, Sunday midnight :)

Sunday, 19 April 2020

20 April

  • Vocabulary revision: WB p29 A and B

  • Listening and speaking:

SB p43 4A  Listening and speaking

SB p43 4B 

news bulletin: a short radio or television broadcast of news reports (hírösszefoglaló)

  • SB p44/ A,B,C  Vocabulary
-ED or -ING adjectives video

  • Homework:
SB p44 A, B, C,D


Friday, 17 April 2020

17 April - Module 4c

SB p 42



SB p43 B

WB p29 A and B

Quizlet 4c : Complete a test by Monday

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

15th of April

Hello Everyone,

After this short Easter break, 
  • Easter traditions - one word about your Easter break
  • Travelling by car; Parts of a car; Driving
    • SB p. 40 Ex. 1, 2
    • WB p. 27 Crossword
As I am really interested in how you spent your Easter break, please write 6-8 sentences about this time. 
Helping questions:
  • How did you spend your time? 
  • Did you do something special during the break?
  • What did you like about this period? Why?
Deadline: 19th of April, Sunday, midnight :)

Sunday, 5 April 2020

6th April

  • Revision of  4a vocabulary
  • WB p26 A and B

  • SB p143 Explantion: Grammar Past Simple vs. Past Progressive
  • SB p41A and B
  • WB p27 D
  • WB p 26 C, p27 B
  • SB p39 Vocabulary and Speaking C discuss

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Review - 1st April

Modul 3 Quizlet-please log in for practising the words here as I wanna see your progress:)

SB p 36 Review

SB p36 Communication E and F

Friday, 27 March 2020

Writing - An email giving news 3rd April

SB p 35 / A,B.C,D

An informal email to a friend practice task



Deadline: 3rd April

Send me an email or write it down to your notebook and send me a photo of it. :)

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

25/3, Listening

Hi everyone,

First of all, we are going to listen to a conversation - it is about how to stop wasting time while studying at home.

Use the following link, please.

Answer these questions. Write at least 4 sentences.
-What things stop you from studying? What can you do to study better at that really strange situation?

We are learning about how to give news and how to react to news showing surprise.
SB 32/1, 2

Work with your partners.
Imagine you have got some good news to tell your partner. Your partner responds with the phrases in the box  (SB 34/2b) to show surprise. Show interest and ask for details to keep the conversation going. 
Now change the roles.
Please send your answers in voice message on Google Classroom.

Deadline: 29th March, Sunday

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Reading comprehension - A Study in Scarlet - 24th April

 You will find it in our GoogleClassroom in "FELADATOK" . Please, read  it.

Deadline: 24th April

Stay safe and calm!


It's wocabee time again. There's a new pack for you to practise. (alkalmazás megnyitása)

Practise this pack: Module 3C/1 and 3C/2

I will track your progress in my wocabee. :)

There are 3 rounds! Complete all!

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Key to Module 3 p. 32

p 32 C 

1. nm
2. rr
3. n
4. n
5. mm
6. mm

p 32 D

1. exhibits
2. permanent
3. tiny
4. puddle
5. humanity
6. contemporary
7. ceiling
8. reaction(s)

Module 3C - reading and vocabulary building

Hello everyone,

first of all check how well you did the tasks in your student's book and workbook and don't forget to write a comment under the post how it went :)

Hopefully, it won't take you more than 7 minutes.

And now, it's wocabee time. There's a new pack for you to practise. (alkalmazás megnyitása)

Practise this pack: Module 3C/1 and 3C/2

I will track your progress in my wocabee. :)


SB p 32 Reading tasks B, C, D

There are 3 questions in discussion part:

Do you like art?
Do you often visit museums or art galleries?
What famous artists do you know of?

Please send your answers in voice message oin the GoogleClassroom  :)

Deadline: Thursday 10 am

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Key to SB. p.31/C and WB p.21/C,D,E

SB. p.31/C

1. where,  which/that,  (which/that) ,  where,  who/that

2. (which/that),  who/that,  (which/that)

WB p.21/C

1.a 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.c 6.a 7.c 8.a 9.b


1.c - A waiter is a person who/that serves you food in a restaurant.
2.e - Basketball is a sport (which/that) people play in many countries around the world
3. b - A hotel is a place (where) people can stay when they go on holiday.
4.a A shopping centre is a place  (where) you can buy clothes or shoes
5.f - A  dictionary is a book which/that has definitions of words
6.d - An enemy is a person who/that hates you and wants to hurt you

Open answers

Please, write your answers in a comment under this post :)

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Relative pronouns and adverbs

Relative pronouns
Relative adverbs
In Hungarian

Practice task:

Students book p. 31/ C
Workbook p. 21/C,D,E

Monday, 9 March 2020

Elbow bumps, foot taps and washing hands song

Elbow bumps and footshakes

As the novel coronavirus spreads around the globe -- along with expert resources and information on preventative measures -- more people are coming up with creative ways to avoid unnecessary touching.

"It's OK to make a joke out of it, but it serves as a good public health reminder to everyone to wash your hands avoid touching public objects with your fingers, and don't touch your face or shake hands," 

washing hands song

30 seconds

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Dictionary entries

Cambridge Dictionary

Oxford Dictionary


couch potato

phonetic transcription /ˈkaʊtʃ pəˌteɪ.təʊ/

word stress

synonyms and antonyms -  Thesaurus: synonyms and related words

different usages and meanings


Monday, 6 January 2020

“As a child, I never imagined that one day a man would walk on the moon.”
                How would you finish this sentence? As a child, I never imagined that one day… / I can’t imagine that one day…

“This year we marked another important anniversary”
                What anniversaries or events would you mention as ones worth remembering at the end of the year?

“The challenges many people face today may be different to those once faced by my generation, but I have been struck by how new generations have brought a similar sense of purpose to issues such as protecting our environment and our climate.”
                What other challenges do you / does your generation face in the near future?

“My family and I are also inspired by the men and women of our emergency services and armed forces; and at Christmas, we remember all those on duty at home and abroad, who are helping those in need and keeping us and our families safe and secure.”
                Who are the heroes of 2019 for you?
                Did you help or did you hear about any kinds of help of those in need?
                How can we help those in need?

“The path, of course, is not always smooth, and may at times this year have felt quite bumpy, but small steps can make a world of difference.”
                How would you characterise the year 2019? What was it like?
                Do you agree that 2019 was bumpy? Why?
                What should happen in 2020 to make a difference in your life / in your generation’s life?

Sunday, 5 January 2020

The Queen's message

The Queen's message

"The path, of course, is not always smooth, and may at times this year have felt quite bumpy, but small steps can make a world of difference."

Queen Elisabeth II addresses her people at each Christmas. (In Hungary, the President does the same at New Year’s Eve.) Which issues of the following do you think she included in her speech this Christmas?
anniversaries, British landscapes, Christmas habits, democracy, environmental problems, environmental protection, family events, everyday people, Jesus Christ, nature, wars